We thought about having a class which is both challenging and fun, with a little bit of team work, but leaving our guests in full control of the assembly and finish of their creation.
We are very excited to announce that we are now offering classes at our Pastry Lab in Gastown. Each class experience will be an intimate environment with close up interaction and communication with the head chef and professional assistants. Classes include an aperitif, taste testing, recipe book, and a final product, or two, or three, for each participant to take home to share with family and friends. Most importantly of all though, is the acquisition of applicable and delicious knowledge in a fun and friendly environment.

Each participant will be creating their own item (pastry, dessert, etc) by first creating various different components and then assembling them into a final creation. Some particular components will be created by the head chef in close up demonstrations and then distributed to the participants for use in their creations.

Our first class will offer instruction on creating your very own lemon, caramel and hazelnut entremets, as well as two fresh and citrusy individual lemon tartes. The cake is made of seven different elements that need to be systematically combined. It is a very selective balance of crunch, creamy, sweet, sour, nutty; all delectably rich. The tartes demonstrate how using some of the same components as the cake, you can create a variety of different desserts.
Each of these classes will have only 8 spots in order to give each participant the proper attention they deserve. You can purchase tickets for spots in our store, or if you wish to book an entire session for a group of friends or co-workers, you can email us at [email protected] and we can work with you to make your experience most enjoyable.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to speak with you.
Happy Easter Weekend ๐
Antise Vancouver